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Building Web Services
with the Play Framework

by Rob Perry
May 2008
Play 1.0 – originally released

March 2012
Play 2.0 – rewritten and released

Enables Rapid Development

Supports Modular Development
  • InnerSource Modules
  • Community Modules
Supports Dependency Injection

*Provides lifecycle hooks

Everything is a stream...

Reactive Manifesto
  • Responsive
  • Resilient
  • Elastic
  • Event Driven
Embraces Modern Web
  • WebSockets
  • Server Sent Events (SSE)
Embraces TDD
Built-in Cache Support
Community Persistence
Server-Side Rendering Templating
Security Features
  • Pluggable Authentication
  • CSRF Filter
Additional Community Support
Demo/Walkthrough $ activator new demo
$ activator ~run

Use a spacebar or arrow keys to navigate